FCM Wiki

Basic Usage

Getting Started

Open Home Tab and press on Create Project. A iOS app has to have a Application Name and a Bundle Identifier. So chose a Name like MyApp and a BundleID like com.myname.MyApp. The Scheme decides what Template will be used to create your project.


Swift App

Swift is a easy to understand programming language that is more beginner friendly and has a lot of beginner tutorials online and on youtube. Your Project will only include Swift files after creation.

ObjC App

Objective-C is object oriented C and is for more advanced developers that know what they are doing as you can control everything in detail using Objective-C. Its syntax is also harder to understand and compilers usually dont warn you when you do something silly(for example using a invalid UIColor).

Swift/ObjC App

This Scheme basically is meant for advanced developers that want to write their UI in Swift but some more compilcated symbols in Objective-C.

Project Files

The root of your project has all files needed to compile your app. It includes code files,entitlements.plist and a resources folder.

Do never delete the Resources folder or create a file called DontTouchMe.plist in the Resources folder as it will corrupt your project and will make the entire project unlistable!

Code Files

As you create new code files they will automatically be found by FridaCodeManagers build system.


entitlements.plist is a file that basically gives your app magic abilities. It elevates its permissions to what ever you write into the file. You can use almost all entitlements on TrollStore and jailbroken devices. You can find more documentation online about iOS App Entitlements.

Resources Folder

The resources folder in your projects root has all files that gonna be in the apps root directory(for example Info.plist).

Uninstallation of Apps installed using FridaCodeManager

To uninstall apps installed using FridaCodeManager please use TrollStore!